For its first anniversary, the Case of the Century is launching a call for testimonials on the effects of climate change in France..

One year after the launch of the Case of the Century, there is no State reaction and no decision commensurate with the climate challenge. And yet, there was no shortage of scientific reports reminding us of the urgency to act in 2019… Still waiting for the formal response of the State to our arguments, we intend to continue the mobilisation, open the eyes of the State and urge it to act.

Citizens are called upon to act as #TémoinDuClimat (ClimateWitness) in order to map the impacts of climate change in France. Everyone can testify! Because we are all witnesses or direct victims of climate change… You can declare yourself #TémoinDuClimat on social media or go to the l’Affaire du Siècle website to give your testimony on the map.

You too,share the changes you are witnessing (rising temperatures, extreme weather events, coastal erosion, disturbed plants and animals…), and describe how you are being impacted. Your testimonies will constitute an unprecedented map of the climate situation in France.

Together, let’s alert public authorities of the seriousness of the situation so that the State responds to our case and, above all, takes action. We want to show them that citizens all over France are already suffering from its inaction. There is strength in numbers: it is indeed the 2.3 million signatories who have given so much power and visibility to the Case of the Century. So the more we are, the more our message will be heard!

I testify on the cartography

Some of these testimonies may be included in the legal file by the lawyers of the Case of the Century (subject to your agreement).

Video explanation

Read the press release

Read the press kit


We are organic farmers and we observe nature in our daily life. The drought has given way to floods. Insects are becoming rare. I am afraid for our agricultural project, for our income, for the future of our children.

Héloise, 47 ans, Caubon-Saint-Sauveur

In 20 years, I’ve witnessed three storms. For me, climate change – with the increase in the frequency of natural disasters, rising sea temperatures, and increasing coastal erosion – is already here.

Jean-François, 70 ans, Saint Pierre d’Oléron